Sunday Service
We have a powerful and encouraging message shared with us every Sunday morning at 10:45am. Will you join us?
Adult Bible Study and Prayer
Every Wednesday at 6:00 PM the adults join together for a bible study and for prayer. You are welcome to send us your requests, and join us too! God answers prayer, and we consider it a privilege to pray for your need(s).
Sunday School
We offer a Sunday School class for everyone Sunday mornings 9:45 AM. We encourage you to find a class that meets your needs and where you can build close friendships.

Men and Women Ministries
Every Wednesday morning at 7AM downstairs at the church is mens breakfast, and we men work to gather on occasion for activities. The women actively attend special events and host their own inside and outside of the church. These are some amazing ladies and you ought to come and join both our men and women as they serve the Lord and fellowship togther.
Our worship style is blended with all types of contemporary and traditional music - we have something for all ages.
Community Events
We offer several community events throughout the year that is free and open to the public. Check the events tab often to see what activities are coming up next. We also began The Cornerstone Ministry that goes into the community and loves and cares for those less fortunate with the love of God.